Saturday, June 9, 2007

I just got orientated!

Started the day with a free breakfast at Louis, and then headed back for a series of talks on bike safety and bike maintenance. I wiped out during the "on-the-road" section of the bike safety course, because I forgot that my right foot was still clipped in. I've decided to call that move "lawn darting." It's my new, least favorite feeling: the knowledge that you're falling, slowly and inexorably, attached to a pointy metal object, onto gritty pavement. I got a chain tattoo on my right calf, and skinned my left knee for the first of many times. Luckily it didn't hurt too much.

Our bike maintenance clinic was conducted overlooking Providence from Prospect Park (a supremely beautiful day, perfect for the spot) and the REI bike technician fixed my front derailleur fo' free. Then we had a 10-15 mile "shakedown" ride on the East Bay Bike Path, and it appears that everyone's bikes are working well.

Today we worked in Olneyville on last year's P2S Habitat house, and I spent a lotta time Sawzalling (it's a verb, trust me) out window openings before they Tyveked (also a verb) the exterior of the first floor. It rained a lot, and my Carhartts soaked up about 20 lbs of water, but it felt good to get out there and work with the rest of the P2S'ers and some Habitat veterans. Tonight we've got more presentations, and we leave bright'n early from Providence after dipping our tires in the Atlantic.

More to come soon. In the meantime, check for some pics from orientation/building. I'm not in many/any of them, but that's prolly for the best.

1 comment:

dcdesign said...

Way to go Sam -- How appropriate that I am your fist reply and I am sure you will have many visitors as we vicariously enjoy the trip as seen (not felt!) through your eyes. Love, your Mom xo